Backend API
AI Assistant
Data Models
Description: A data model class to represent the data passed when the user requests a hint.
Data fields:
- Token used to identify user through their Firebase user ID.
- The interview question.
- The image received from Firebase, base64 encoded as a string.
Description: AIData
extends HintData
to include a transcript of the user's
verbal explanation.
Data fields:
- The transcript text from the user's verbal explanation, used as additional context for the AI.
get_hint(data: HintData)
- Description: Provides a hint based on the user's current progress on the question.
- Arguments:
The hint request data containing the question and an image of the user's current progress.
- Returns:
dict[str, str]
- The AI-generated hint response based on the provided question and current answer.
get_result(data: AIData)
- Description: Returns AI-generated feedback based on the user's answer.
- Arguments:
Data containing the question, image of the user's answer, and their verbal explanation.
- Returns:
dict[str, str]
: AI's response message.
get_ai_response(data: AIData, context_file: str)
- Description: Generates a response from ChatGPT based on the input data and chat context.
- Arguments:
Data containing the question, image of the user's answer, and their verbal explanation.context_file
The file containing a chat context for how the AI should respond.
- Returns:
dict[str, str]
: AI's response message.
Data Models
- Description: Represents an entry in the user's question history, including details about the question, transcript, response, and session.
Data fields:
): The interview question.questionId
): A unique identifier for the question.transcript
): The transcript of the user's verbal explanation during the interview.response
): The AI generated response to the user's input.completionTime
): The time when the question was completed.sessionId
): The unique identifier for the session in which the question was attempted.
get_firebase_image(user_id: str, session_id: str=None)
- Description: Retrieves an image associated with a user from Firebase Storage.
- Arguments:
): The unique identifier for the user whose image is being retrieved.session_id
, optional): The session ID to specify a specific image. If not provided, it defaults to retrieving the general user image.
- Returns:
: The image data as a byte array, downloaded from Firebase Storage.